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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - überarbeitung
überarbeitung < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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überarbeitung: umwelt
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:27 Do 24.01.2008
Autor: anfaenger_

ich sollte nen text schreiben... umwelt... mit dieser gliederung:

1. define environment or refer to today´s problems concering environment
2. respect usw siehe unten
3. summary/conclusion

könntet ihr mal schauen...ob das so geht? auch zwecks übergange?! ich glaub die eileitung und die zusammenfassung...sind sehr schlecht:| danke!

The environment is the natural world of land, sea, air, plants and animals that exists around towns and rities.  Today, we have a lot of problems. In spite of we dont look at our environment and do nothing that it would be better.

The first thing that we have to do is to appreciate the vairiety of biological species because it could be lost before we are able to know everything. We should find a way to live, more or less, in harmony with our nature and develop a sensitive behaviour towards our planet because we just have one and we have to take the responsibility for it. Another point is the tolerance between the different races of humanity, it’s essential (vllt falsch geschrieben) to respect other skincolours and religions.

Everybody should demand themselves if he does enough for the environment and how he could help to make other people to think about it. It’s import to develop environmental awareness in people’s mind. Everybody has the possibility to do something for the nature and if it’s just the usage of reusable bag, reycling (weiß nicht wie gehscrieben) goods or drive by bike to school but the first step is to reflect about the own mistakes.

Another big problem is the extensive usage of cars, plains and ships. The reduction of carbondioxid would be a great advantage for our environment and the changing climate conditions. Public transport, go on foot or by bike might be not that easy as using a car but it would be helpful to decrease the airpollution. That means that everybody must reduce his own standard of living but in comparison to the destruction of the environment it’s just a small price.

As I told you before the reusage of thinks like glassbottles, Tupperware and bags are small but important (beitrag). The development of reusable energys like solar and water power are essential because someday gas and oil are empty and without another source of energy it’s going to dark.

The recycling of paper, bottles and plastic or other industrial, like metal, goods are necessary to (belasten) the environment less as possible.

It is important that we take care of our environment in the future. When its would go on so the humanity snuff out life. You should to exert oneself for somthing employ repeatedly.

überarbeitung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:04 Do 24.01.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


Zuerst will ich sagen dass es sehr schwierig ist die Umwelt zu definieren. aber nun gut. Es gibt da einen Schönen Satz den du vielleicht auch einbauen kannst. "Everything that is not our body is environmental"

>  The environment is the natural world of land, sea, air,
> plants and animals that exists around towns and surrounding .  
> Today, we have a lot of problems. In spite of we dont look
> at our environment and don't do nothing to make it better
> The first thing that we have to do is to appreciate the
> vairiety of biological species because it could be lost
> before we are able to know everything. We should find a way
> to live, more or less, in harmony with our nature and
> develop a sensitive behaviour towards our planet because we
> just have one and we have to take the responsibility for
> it. Another point is the tolerance between the different
> races of humanity, it’s essential (vllt falsch geschrieben)
> to respect other skincolours and religions.
> Everybody should demand themselves if he does enough for
> the environment and how he could help to make other people
> to think about it. It’s important to develop environmental
> awareness in people’s mind. Everybody has the possibility
> to do something for the nature and if it’s just the usage
> of reusable bag, reycling (weiß nicht wie gehscrieben) so wie im deutschen ;-) kommt doch aus dem englischen
> goods or drive by bike to school. But the first step is to
> reflect about our own mistakes.
> Another big problem is the extensive usage of cars, plains
> and ships. hier hättest du vielleicht etwas mehr recherchieren sollen denn tatsächlich macht der ausstoß der Abgase von Flugzeugen gar nicht mal so viel aus. Viel wichtiger ist ist der Ausstoß von Gasen bei Autos und natürlcich auch die vielen Werke Fabriken etc. The reduction of carbondioxid would be a great
> advantage for our environment and the changing climate
> conditions. Public transport, walk instead of using cars or by bike might
> be not that easy as using a car but it would be helpful to
> decrease the airpollution. That means that everybody have to   
> reduce his own standard of living but in comparison to the
> destruction of the environment it’s just a small besser: share .
> As I told you before the exploitation of thinks like
> glassbottles, Tupperware Tupperware weiss ich nicht was das auf englisch heisst aber wenn du dass so schreiben willst dann bitte klein and bags are small but important
> (beitrag). The development of reusable energys like solar
> and water power are essential because one day the stocks of gas and oil
> will be exhausted without another source of energy. It's going be

> to dark.
> The recycling of paper, bottles and plastic or other
> industrial, like metal, goods are necessary to (belasten) belasten= charge in diesem zusammenhang
> the environment less as possible.
> It is important that we take care of our environment in the
> future. If things don't change, and especially we won't change...versuch den satz zu vollenden. dein satz macht nicht so viel sinn Sonst hast du das aber schon sehr gut gemacht. Überlege dir noch etwas zum thema umwelt darüber kann man sehr viel schreiben. Warum baust du die geschehnisse nicht ein die man im fernsehn beobachtet. Wie bemüht sich die politik. das ist doch ein sehr aktuelles thema und wie ich finde gehört das zu deinem aufsatz. Kannst ja noch deine Ideen hier posten sodass wir drüber sehen können.

[cap] Gruß

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