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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Grammatik" - reported speech
reported speech < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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reported speech: korrigieren
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:43 Fr 04.04.2008
Autor: SwEeT-AnGeLL

a) How are you
a) He asked him how are you
b) I am fine
b) He said he is fine
c) Take a seat, please. I have a few questions about your application
c) He said he take seat. He siad he has few questions about the application
d) Why did you apply for the job as a member of our cabin crew?
d) He asked why he apply for the job....
e) I like flying and meeting people
e) He said he liked flying and meeting...
f) Have you got any experience in working with other people?
f) he asked he get any experience ...
g) Yes I have
g) He said he have it
h) That`s good. Do you speak any foreign languages?
h) He said that he is good. He asked that he speaks any foreign languages
i) Yes I do. I speak French and German
i) He said he speak French and German
j) Did you apply for any other jobs?
j) He asked he applied for any other jobs.
k) No I didnt
k) He said he didnt
l) Yes sent us your application. Could you show me your references, please?
l) He said to him that he can sent to him his application. He asked he could the show him his references
m) Thats all for now. We ll take a break. Dont be late, please
m) He said he are all for now. He are take a break. He said that he dont be late
n) That s fíne with me. I will be here at four o`clock sharp
n) He said he is fien with him. He would be here at four o`clock sharp

Hallo ich bin es mal wieder luisa vielleicht ist diese indirekte rede richtig????
Wäre wirklich toll wenn das jemand mal nach schauen könnte. Vielen Dank Luisa

reported speech: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:04 Fr 04.04.2008
Autor: Somebody

Ich fürchte hier ist einiges falsch:

> a) How are you
> a) He asked him how are you

I asked him how he was. Oder, anders herum: He asked me how I was.

> b) I am fine
> b) He said he is fine

He said he was fine.

Allgemein gilt: In Objektsätzen, in denen ein Tatbestand vom Standpunkt der Vergangenheit (oder Vorvergangenheit) aus berichtet wird (reported speech), werden sämtliche Zeitstufen in die Vergangenheit verschoben.

reported speech: korrigieren
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:40 Fr 04.04.2008
Autor: SwEeT-AnGeLL

Vielen Dank aber was ist mit den anderen Sätzen was habe ich den dort falsch gemacht?

reported speech: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:51 Fr 04.04.2008
Autor: Somebody

> Vielen Dank aber was ist mit den anderen Sätzen was habe
> ich den dort falsch gemacht?

Ich dachte, dass Du aufgrund des allgemeinen Theoriehinweises, den Du in meiner ersten Antwort finden kannst, Deine Lösung besser nochmals überarbeiten solltest. Falsch ist in der Regel eben dies: dass Du das Verb nicht in die Vergangenheitsform umgewandelt hast.

reported speech: korrigieren
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:54 Fr 04.04.2008
Autor: SwEeT-AnGeLL

c) Take a seat, please. I have a few questions about your application
c) He said he is taken seat. He siad he has few questions about the application
d) Why did you apply for the job as a member of our cabin crew?
d) He asked why he is applied for the job....
e) I like flying and meeting people
e) He said he liked fly and met...
f) Have you got any experience in working with other people?
f) he asked  is get any experience ...
g) Yes I have
g) He said he have it
h) That`s good. Do you speak any foreign languages?
h) He said that he is good. He asked that he speaks any foreign languages
i) Yes I do. I speak French and German
i) He said he speaks French and German
j) Did you apply for any other jobs?
j) He asked he applied for any other jobs.
k) No I didnt
k) He said he didnt
l) Yes sent us your application. Could you show me your references, please?
l) He said to him that he can send to him his application. He asked he could the show him his references
m) Thats all for now. We ll take a break. Dont be late, please
m) He said he are all for now. He are take a break. He said that he dont be late
n) That s fíne with me. I will be here at four o`clock sharp
n) He said he is fien with him. He would be here at four o`clock sharp

Ist es jetzt richtig?

reported speech: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:26 Fr 04.04.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


c) - g) korrigiere ich jetzt nicht mehr. Ich habe es dir richtig aufgeschrieben und du hast es wieder geschafft dort Fehler ein zu bauen ;-)


He said that it was good. He asked me weither I spoke any foreign languages.


I said that I did. I said that I spoke french and german. Übrigens du ganz diese beiden Sätze auch zu einem Satz zusammenfügen. Das ist dann etwas eleganter.


He asked me weither I had applied for any other jobs.


I said that I didn't


He said that I shall sent my application to them and he asked me if I could show him my references.


He said that it was all for then. He said we would take a break and that I didn't (have?) be late.


I said that it was fine with myself and I would be there at four o'clock sharp.

Übrigens mir ist schon ausgefallen, dass du nichts versucht hast zu korriegieren sondern einfach nur den Text kopiert hast und als überarbeitete Versionen verkaufen wolltest. Ich empfehle dir unbedingt die Seiten die dir espritgirl gegeben hat durch zu lesen. Denn leider war kein Satz richtig.

[hut] Gruß

reported speech: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:34 Fr 04.04.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


Also zu b)

He said [mm] \red{that} [/mm] he was fine..


He said that he had a few questions about [mm] \red{my} [/mm] application.


He asked me [mm] \red{weither} [/mm] I apply for the job as a member of their cabin crew.


He said [mm] \red{that} [/mm] he liked flying and meeting people.


He asked me [mm] \red{weither} [/mm] I [mm] \red{had} \red{got} [/mm] any experience in working with other people.


He said [mm] \red{that} [/mm] he [mm] \red{had}. [/mm]

Vielleicht schaffst du den Rest nun alleine. Versuch es mal denn leider sind die retlichen Sätze auch falsch. Schau dir noch mal die Internetseiten an, die die espritgirl gegeben hat. Überarbeite die restlichen paar Sätze und ich korrigiere dann falls es nötig wird.

[hut] Gruß

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