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    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
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  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - global warming! morgen KLAUSUR
global warming! morgen KLAUSUR < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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global warming! morgen KLAUSUR: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:00 Mo 30.11.2009
Autor: alex12456

kann mir das jemand bitte dringend kontrolieren??? ich schreibe morgen meine etzte klausur über global warming, habe jetzt einen Text stichpuntartig geschrieben, nur grammatik unnd rechtschreibfehler..und wenn ein satz total unsinig ist bitte. Ich muss sagen es ist durcheinander, und mansche sätze sind willelos aneinandergereiert, aber es sind nur stichpunkte deswegen, der übergang von satz zu satz nicht beachten. es sind einfach nur sätze für mich zum formulieren und lernen..... kann jemand kontrolieren?? wäre sehr hilfreich und nett

Kyoto is designed to reduce  pollutants and to contain global warming. It is an international legal binding traty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The ratification has been a breakthrough in the fight against fangerous climate change and a triumph for international diplomacy. Thera are some ways, countries can reduce emissions: they can work together with other countries  to reduce the emissions around the world, so they can share the costs out.Moreover it does not care where the reduction is made, the main thing is, that it will be made. That means that a country like england f. Ex can spend money to Poland ad invest their in renewable energy without dramatic reductions in their own countries, to reach the targets of the Kyoto Protocol. They have the intention to do sth. But the major problem is to get the USA, China and India which are the world´s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. USA refuses to sign the treaty since their gouvernment thought that it might damage the US economy and ´developing countries´ like China and India will have an advantage over the US as they do not have a binding commitment.  To fight against climate change we can develope cleaner technologie, subsidice the purchase of environmentally products, install insulations in houses, produce economical and clean cars, levy tax on pollution to shift the cost onto the producer of greenhouse gases or push a ´´carbon-credit- card-system´´through. In addition we have to deplace fossil fules by renewable energy and generate pur energy by an alternative source of energy, like solar power, wind power, biomass power, geothermal power and hydro power. Moreover it is necessary to monitor emissoins tu fulfil the aims. We need environmentally-friendly products and an innovative way to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. Everyone can buy energy- efficient appliances and join an environmental group to save energy and to stop pollution. Everyone of us has a commitment to cut fuel consumption because everyone of us lives on this planet and has to respect it. We can use public transport, walk or organize carpools and we can drive a fuel-efficiet car or hybrid cars and support the work of environmentalists.
Global warming is causing by deforesation , land fills, industrial products, by logging vehicles and all products which produce CO2 and other gases. The problem is that everyone of us needs and uses energy, not matter if he is washing his face or if he is cooking. Thar means we have to take steps to save eergy and to produce renewable energy because we need it and it has been a necessity for survival. The greenhouse effect works like this: The solar radiation passes through the clean atmosphere and some is absorbed and reemitted by greenhouse gas, other are reflected by the earth and the atmosphere. The effect of absorbing and saving the solar radiation ist to warm the earth´s surface and the lower atmosphere.  
The ´´carbon footprint´´ becomes every day larger and larger because it is connected with our doing: the plane that imports food from Australia to Germany, surfing the internet, taking a bath with 500l warm wather , all this needs energy and makes the footprint becomes larger and larger.
Without the greenhouse effect the earth´s overage temperature would be 30 degree lower. Our planet would be a frozen and desolate place. Because of the industrial revolution, the pollution, the exhaust fumes of cars and the fuel consumption the natural greenhouse effect is out of balance. Scientists even expect the average of global surface temperature to rise al lot in the next years and the next century. Other natural greenhouse gases have also been increasing( f.ex. Methan). Many scientists are convinced that the burning of fossil fuls, deforestation and other human activities have added and will add large amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Many changes are to expect: rising sea levels which can floats coasts everywhere around the world, weather can change and huricans are more probable, animals and pupils are unable to adapt to the change, the temeratures will rise a lot.

global warming! morgen KLAUSUR: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:05 Mo 30.11.2009
Autor: alex12456

KANN Keiner mir helfen?? wäre so was von wichtig dankee nur korrektur rechtschreibfehler und gramatik

global warming! morgen KLAUSUR: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:33 Di 01.12.2009
Autor: Lorli3

The Kyoto Protocol treaty was negotiated in December 1997 at the city of Kyoto, Japan and came into force February 16th, 2005 . It  is a legally binding agreement under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to the year 1990

1 Kyoto has been designed … to prevent or to reduce  global  
2   legally …treaty    
3  dangerous .
4  triumph of …. There  are  
5 .. 6 reduce  emissions    Moreover
7.    8 Great Britain ,e.g.,  transfer money to Poland
9 and  there  
10   11 include the USA,
12China and India which are the  emitters   have refused   because
13 thinks  
14  15. Fighting  against
16  develop a cleaner technology, subsidice(?????)  environmentally(?????) 17
18 the costs  onto ´´
19 .  to replace fossil
20 fuels … pure   21
22  emissions to fulfil (reach?).
23  24  25  26 27  
28  fuel-efficient cars 29

ASnmerkung: Ich habe ein paar Zeilen eingangs erweitert.
Ich deine Textzeilen durchnummeriert; den Zeilentext habe ich bis auf die Wörter, an denen ich Korrekturen vornahm getilgt.

Ich hoffe, gegen 19.00 Uhr den Rest korrigieren zu können.


global warming! morgen KLAUSUR: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:04 Di 01.12.2009
Autor: Lorli3

30 is caused  by deforestation ,  fills (?????),
32, no matter
33. That
35:  Solar
36 atmosphere.  some  
37 gas, another part is

ich habe hier angefangen inhaltl. Zu korrigieren, passe aber aus Zeitgründen: Also der Treibhauseffekt funktioniert so:; kurzwelliges Sonnenlicht durchdringt die Erdatmosphäre, erwärmt die Erdoberfläche, diese gibt die Wärme als langwellige Wärmestrahlung an die Atmosphäre zurück und diese Wärmestrahlung wird von den Treibhausgasen reflektiert.

38 is to warm…surface of the earth  and
40The ´´carbon footprint´  (???was ist das??)´ becomes  larger and larger every day  41connected to  our doing:
42  500 litres of  warm water , all these
43need … make  … become  
44 the  average temperature of the earth  
( 50  e.g. Methane ). fossil fuels,
53 to be expected: .. will float…  
54 hurricanes
55, animals and mankind  , the temperatures


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