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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - a review of Avatar
a review of Avatar < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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a review of Avatar: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:17 So 21.03.2010
Autor: gnoergerl

The Epic Since Fiction movie “Avatar” is written by James Cameron. The film is set in the year 2154 on the planet “Pandora”. It is about people, who enter an absolute new world and a new culture of an unexplored folk, the “Na'vi”.
In this film, the latest technology affords that the marine Jake Sully can slip in the body of a “Na'vi”, an Avatar, to explore them. After a while he falls in love with the Na'vi-princess Neytiri. But the humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, so they fight the folk.
In the leading role is Sam Woringthon as Jake Sully, he wants to be an Avatar and live on Pandora. He is the hero of the film. Also very important is Zoe Saldana as Neytiri. She plays the Na'vi-princess, which helps Jake to live in harmony with the nature and not be controlled by technology and money. The villain in the movie “Avatar” is Stephan Lang as Colonel Quaritch. Only money and power count to him.
The most time, the story takes place on Pandora, a earth-like moon. The locations are always very spectacular and beautiful. Almost the whole movie is computer animated.  Just the scenes in the base camps of the humans are shooted normal. Moreover the film is in 3D. So the visual effects are very impressive. In addition the Na'vi look very realistic, although they are big blue figures.  
Also the dialogues and the acting are very convincing.
To sum up, the film is impressive and definitely worth-seeing.  

Bitte um Korrektur.
lg gnoergerl

a review of Avatar: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:08 Mo 22.03.2010
Autor: metalschulze

Hi Julia,
schaun mer ma...

> The Eepic Since science Ffiction movie “Avatar” is written by
> James Cameron. The film is set in the year 2154 on the
> planet “Pandora”. It is about people, who enter an
> absolute new world and a new culture of an unexplored folk (better: people),
> the “Na'vi”.
> In this film, the latest technology affords enables that the marine
> Jake Sully tocan slip in the body of a “Na'vi”, an
> Avatar, in order to explore them. After a while he falls in love
> with the Na'vi-princess Neytiri. But the humans are mining
> a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, so they
> fight the folk.

folk bedeutet eher (das gemeine) Volk, im Sinne von Leute auf der Strasse..nimm besser people oder population (im Sinne von Bevölkerung). Ausserdem erschliesst sich mir der Sinnzusammenhang nicht: Aber die Menschen bauen [...] ab, also bekämpfen sie die Bevölkerung...?Da fehlt irgendwie noch eine Begründung warum.

> In the leading role is Sam Woringthon as Jake Sully, he
> wants to be an Avatar and live on Pandora. He is the hero
> of the film. Also very important is Zoe Saldana as Neytiri.
> She plays the Na'vi-princess, which who helps Jake to live in
> harmony with the nature and to not be controlled by technology

bezieht sich immer noch auf: helps to + Infinitiv

> and money. The villain in the movie “Avatar” is Stephan
> Lang as Colonel Quaritch. Only money and power count to
> him.
> The most time, the story takes place on Pandora, a
> earth-like moon. The locations are always very spectacular
> and beautiful. Almost the whole movie is computer animated.
>  Just the scenes in the base camps of the humans are were
> shooted shot normal. Moreover the film is in 3D. So the visual
> effects are very impressive. In addition the Na'vi look
> very realistic, although they are big blue figures.  
> Also the dialogues and the acting are very convincing.
> To sum up, the film is impressive and definitely
> worth-seeing.  

Ich hoffe ich hab nichts übersehen,
Gruss Christian

a review of Avatar: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:28 So 28.03.2010
Autor: gnoergerl

lg gnoergerl

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