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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Matlab" - a question about the combinati
a question about the combinati < Matlab < Mathe-Software < Mathe < Vorhilfe
Ansicht: [ geschachtelt ] | ^ Forum "Matlab"  | ^^ Alle Foren  | ^ Forenbaum  | Materialien

a question about the combinati: matlab simulink
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 12:48 Di 06.03.2007
Autor: mabaosheng

Hallo, my friends, i have a question about the combination between
GUI and simulink. I have made a model with simulink, in this model i
use a NIDAQ card to measure 1 valtage and then after calcultion give
a new valtage out. at the same time i have made a small GUI with
matlab. in this GUI i put s buttons, one button named start, with
this button i want to start the simulink model and at the same time
measure the valtage, then draw it in the GUI. i draw the valtage once
every one second. that is, this control loop is a little bit like
real time. but i must not use the real time workshop or something
like that. because for me once measure per second is enough. what i
want to do is, when the model runs, i measure the voltage once per
second and save the data in workspace or somewhere. and the GUI draw
the curve of the voltage. but my problem is, i don't know how to save
the data(voltage). because when the model runs i can't save the data,
or i don't how to access the data. only after the simulation of the
model is over, can I access the data. how can i save and take the
data during the simulation?

can someone give some tipps?

thank you very much!

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

a question about the combinati: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:20 Do 08.03.2007
Autor: matux

Ansicht: [ geschachtelt ] | ^ Forum "Matlab"  | ^^ Alle Foren  | ^ Forenbaum  | Materialien

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