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Zum korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:16 Mi 08.07.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wäre sehr dankbar

It makes a great pleasure to read Brave new world. It’s written very varied, that shows Huxley widespread knowledge. Therefore he mentions aspects of a lot of different topics like biology , mass consumerism, religion, art etc. When you keep in mind that this novel was published in 1932 it’s remarkable how much of his prophecies became true.
The text is easy to understand apart from he uses special biology terms. But it isn’t really worse, when you don’t understand every of these terms. When I read the book I always try to draw parallels /to compare with the current world. To analyse which of his prophecies became true. The context (wie sagt man wenn es keine Rückblicke oder dergleichen gibt sondern…….)
He employes a lot of different techniques, to reach such an interesting and various novel. The reader comes into contact with three different worlds, that couldn’t be more different. The reader can think about which world is compatible with his ideas. The Brave new characters permanently use special quotes like, Community, Identity, Stability or A gram is better than a damn. These express how their ability to think is limited. Although is a very serious novel he uses several times exaggeration. For example he gives us the information that (x) had in one year thousand different women. This exaggeration gives us an impression how ridiculous this world really is. Additionally the author serves some ironical elements. For example John is very enthusiastic that he gets the opportunity to go to the Brave new world. He is convinced that he can lead there a life exactly to his intention and therefore he can hardly expect to go to the Brave new World. But the reader already knows that his idea doesn’t correspond with the reality and anticipate in which disappointment his Brave new World stay will end. There are a lot of other techniques like antithesis to illustrate the differences between two things. And of course in the centre of the story stands the conflict between John and the Brave new World. Because he is unwilling and unable to adjust him to the way of life that the BNW citizens hold for normal. In my opinion the author has written aware such a pessimistic ending. Because this conclusion clarified the consequences when we would live according this world. As a result the reader begins to think about his own life if his life isn’t similar to this world.  

So it’s interesting to realize that the novel begins with fire and ends with fire. Because as a fireman it’s his job to deal with fire. He burns thing with a great pleasure and has a permanent smile on his lips. At the end he sits with the book people around a fire. But here it is the warm fire feeling what overwhelmed him. And the fire gives him hope for a better future.

In my opinion the past and our memories define who we are. Our past experiences form the basis of our unique and individual identity. If we haven’t any reference to the beast we haven’t nothing to define our individuality. The consequences would be millions of identical people who act and think in the same way. Furthermore we don’t find a fixation in the past whereon we can (zurückgreifen) in difficult situations. When the people eradicate their past from their memories it easier for the government to control and manipulate the people.  

Kann mir niemand sagen, was drehen heist?????????????????????????

This shows he succumb to fear of the beast. Wie ware das richtig?

Because of his realization from the existence of a beast, the power of the civilized world diminishes in his mind.

- In the same way as the conch becomes unsignificant their propensity to civilization diminishes.

Gruss Dinker

Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:03 Mi 08.07.2009
Autor: M.Rex

> Hallo
> Wäre sehr dankbar

It makesis a great pleasure to read It "Brave new world". It’s written very varied, that shows Huxley's widespread knowledge. Therefore he mentions aspects offrom a lot of different topics like biology , mass consumerism, religion, art etc. When you keep in mind, that this novel was published in 1932 it’s remarkable how much of his prophecies became true. The text is easy to understand apart from he uses special
biology terms. But it isn’t really worse, when you don’t understand every of these terms. When I read the book I always try to draw parallelscompare Huxley's fiction with the current world. To analyse which of his prophecies became true. (her fehlt der Hauptsatz) The context (wie sagt man wenn es keine Rückblicke oder dergleichen gibt sondern…….) (?? In welchem Zusammenhang)  He employesuses (Employ ist "Nutzen", im Sinne von Arbeiten) employes a lot of different techniques, to reach such an interesting and various novel. The reader comes into contact with three different worlds, thatwhich couldn’t be more different. The reader can think about which world is compatible with his ideas. The Brave new characters  permanently use special quotes like,is, Community, Identity, Stability or the quote "A gram is better than a damn" (Aufzählungen im selben Stil fortsetzen. These expressThis shows, how their ability to think is limited. Although is a very serious novel he uses several times exaggeration. For example he gives us the information that (x) had in one year thousand different women. This exaggeration gives us an impression how ridiculous this world really is.
Additionally the author serves some ironical elements. For example John is very enthusiastic that he gets the opportunity to go to the Brave new world. He is convinced that he can lead there a life exactly to his intention and therefore he can hardly expect to go to the Brave new World. But the reader already knows, that his idea doesn’t correspond with the reality and anticipates, in which disappointment his Brave new World stay will end. There are a lot of other techniques like antithesis to illustrate the  differences between two things. And of course in the centre of the story standsis the conflict between John and the Brave new World. Because he is unwilling and unable to adjust him to (??) the way of life that the BNW citizens hold for normalconsider as normal. In my opinion the author has knowingly written aware ("to aware": "bewusst machen" such a pessimistic ending. Because this conclusion clarified the consequences when we would live according this world. As a result the reader begins to think about his own life if his life isn’t similar to this world. "If-Satz-Problem"

So it’s interesting, to realize that the novel begins with fire and ends with fire. Because as a fireman it’s his job to deal with fire. He burns thing with a great pleasure and has a permanent smile on his lips. At the end he sits with the book people around a fire. But here it is the warm fire feeling what overwhelmed him. And the fire gives him hope for a better future.

In my opinion the past and our memories define, who we are. Our past experiences form the basis of our unique and individual identity. If we haven’t any reference to the beast (??) we haven’t nothing (doppelte Veneinung so gewollt?) to define our individuality. The consequences would be millions of identical people[s], who act and think in the same way. Furthermore we don’t find a
fixation in the past whereon we can (zurückgreifen) LEO!!! in difficult situations. When the people eradicate their past from their memories it easier for the government to control and manipulate the people.  

> Kann mir niemand sagen, was drehen heist?????????????????????????

ja, []Leo

> This shows he succumb to fear of the beast. Wie ware das
> richtig?

Wenn das 3-Person-s noch angehängt wird, und hinter to ein "the" eingefügt wird, ja.

> Because of his realization from the existence of a beast, the power of
> the civilized world diminishes in his mind.

"of his realization from" würde hich mit "he realizes" verkürzen.

> - In the same way as the conch becomes unsignificant their
> propensity to civilization diminishes.

Was willst du mit dem Satz sagen?

> Danke
>  Gruss Dinker

Schau dir auf jeden fall noch mal die Satzstellung in Nebensätzen an, hier gilt im Englischen ebenfalls [b]S[/s]ubjekt-[b]P[/s]rädikat-[b]O[/s]bjekt, im Gegensatz zum Deutschen.
Und versuche, deutsche Sprichwörter und Wortbildungen nicht "wörtlich" ins Englische zu übersetzen, nutze entweder die entsprechenden Redewendungen (im Leo-Forum findest du sowas) oder versuche, die Aussage zu beschreiben.

Im Egnlischen gibt es Wortbildungen wie "Wegen der Erziehung" "Aufgrund der Erläuterung" so nicht



Zum korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:49 Mi 08.07.2009
Autor: Dinker


Ja aber bei leo sehe ich nicht den Zusammenhang. Denn drehen kann viel heissen. Ein Ventilator dreht....aber ich meine das Leben dreht sich um....


Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:09 Mi 08.07.2009
Autor: M.Rex

> Hallo
> Ja aber bei leo sehe ich nicht den Zusammenhang. Denn
> drehen kann viel heissen. Ein Ventilator dreht....aber ich
> meine das Leben dreht sich um....
> Danke

Genau das war auch meine Frage bei deiner Frage was drehen hieße.
Meist sind bei Leo (oder in deinem gebunden Wörterbuch, was als Alternative zu Leo auch okay ist, ich habe nur mein Wörterbuch nicht am Rechner, und es geht schneller, das Wort gerade in Leo zu suchen.) ja noch Redewendungen dabei, woraus man dann sehen kann, welche Übersetzung für Drehen passt.


Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:17 Mi 08.07.2009
Autor: angela.h.b.

> Ja aber bei leo sehe ich nicht den Zusammenhang.


wenn ich da bin, wo mein Wörterbuch nicht ist, nehme ich auch gern leo.

In solchen Situationen wie geschildert schaue ich mir, nachdem mir Leo seine engl. Liste ausgespuckt hat, wiederum die deutschen Übersetzungen an.
Auf diesem Wege habe ich schon oft herausbekommen, was passen könnte.

>  Denn
> drehen kann viel heissen. Ein Ventilator dreht....aber ich
> meine das Leben dreht sich um....

Ich würde, wenn ich es nicht gut übersetzen könnte, gar nicht unbedingt an diesem Ausdruck festhalten.

Vielleicht ginge z.B. "Das Leben ändert sich vollständig" auch,

(Mit einem "sich umdrehenden" Leben könnte ich übrigens  auch im Deutschen gar nicht so viel anfangen - trotzdem meine ich zu verstehen, was gemeint ist.)

Gruß v. Angela

Zum korrigieren: Hinweis
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:26 Mi 08.07.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,

> In the same way as the conch becomes unsignificant their
> propensity to civilization diminishes.

> Was willst du mit dem Satz sagen?

Meine Deutung/Vermutung:
In dem Maße, in dem das Muschelhorn an Bedeutung/Wichtigkeit verliert, schwindet auch ihr Bedürfnis/Verlangen/Hang nach/zur Zivilisation.

Was natürlich nur Sinn ergibt, wenn die vorherige Bedeutung des Horns und die folgende Entwicklung der Lage klar geworden ist.

> Und versuche, deutsche Sprichwörter und Wortbildungen
> nicht "wörtlich" ins Englische zu übersetzen, nutze
> entweder die entsprechenden Redewendungen (im Leo-Forum
> findest du sowas) oder versuche, die Aussage zu
> beschreiben

Zu Redewendungen/Phrasen/Sprichwörtern noch zwei Tipps:


Master your idioms; rororo Sprachen 8491;
Autor: Ernest Pasakarnis
ISBN 3-499-18491-5

Soweit mein Klecks Senf zu alledem.

Schönen Gruß

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