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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Study abroad
Study abroad < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Study abroad: Bitte Korrektur lesen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:46 Fr 07.01.2011
Autor: Summer1990

Why are you interested in a study abroad?

Why are you interested in a study abroad?

When I was in school, I was already interested in spending one year in another country. After my A-level I was thinking about an au pair year.

But in my opinion, it’s more sensible to study in another country. I’m thinking about leaving Germany after my biogeography study. So it’s very important for me to become acquainted with other cultures.

I’m also very excited to get to know new educational systems. My first choice for my study abroad is Finland which has one of the best educational systems in the whole world. Besides, it’s very positive to learn different working methods which can help me in my future working life.

A lot of courses on the Finnish University are in English. Today it’s a necessity to speak and to write the world language without any problems. So, I have the possibility to practice this language in my courses and furthermore, to learn subject-specific terms. I was always interested in different languages and that’s why it is also a great pleasure for me to learn a more exotic language as Finnish.

Not less important is Finland’s beautiful landscape. For me as a biogeography student it’s very significant to discover other areas except for Germany.

All these reasons confirmed my resolution to study in another country and I will be very happy if my dream of a study abroad comes true.

Würde mich freuen, wenn es wer korrigiert :)

Study abroad: Vorschlag
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:46 Fr 07.01.2011
Autor: Infinit

Hallo summer1990,
das Ganze ist lebendig geschrieben.
Ich würde den letzten Paragraph in den Präsens setzen, da Du ja erst vor hast, in Finnland zu arbeiten. "resolution" passt da auch nicht so gut, "decision" ist besser, "wish" geht auch.
All these reasons confirm my decision (wish) to do my studies in another country and I will be very happy if my dream of a study abroad comes true.
Viele Grüße,

Study abroad: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:55 Mi 12.01.2011
Autor: Summer1990

vielen Dank für die Antwort. Das am Ende hab ich umgeändert.

War sonst grammatikalisch etc alles ok?


Study abroad: Okay
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:44 Mi 12.01.2011
Autor: Infinit

Ja, sonst war alles okay.

Study abroad: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:13 So 16.01.2011
Autor: Summer1990

Super, vielen Dank :)

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