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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Rehabilitation of prisoners
Rehabilitation of prisoners < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Rehabilitation of prisoners: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 04:53 Mi 12.05.2010
Autor: Ph0eNiX

Hallo lieber Korrekturleser :) ich wäre froh wenn jemand meinen Essay über "Rehabilitatoin of prisoners" durchlesen könnte und mir die gröbsten Fehler aufzeigt!
Die Einleitung nocht nicht geschrieben also beginnt es mit dem 2. Paragraph.
Vielen Dank für eure Mühe!

In this essay, I will limit the topic to the current situation and studies which have been made about the rehabilitation of prisoners as well as possible solutions for a better treatment within the prisons to prepare the inmates for their release. Neither a specific geographical area nor a single country will be addressed.

Nowadays nearly three in five prisoners are reconvicted within two years after getting released. That is a shocking number if you imagine that we basically take people into custody for rehabilitation. It also shows us that the basic concept of curing criminals is not achieved yet. However, results of current researches show clearly that an effective program could reduce the re-offending after release by 26-32%.

To prevent a re-offending it is essential to prepare the prisoners for their release back in our society. The prisons offer several programs in which inmates can participate. They learn how they should deal with their new life, how to find work and of course how to change themselves so they won’t commit another crime.

The most prison programs focus on drug treatment and provision of basic education. With certainty it is important to stop the drug addiction first, however the ability of prisoners to return to work after their release is also essential. A maximum of just 30% of inmates are involved in some form of work in prison facilities and only a third of those take place in prison workshops, which prepare the prisoners even more for their future jobs after their discharge. If a prisoner has an employment on release from prison, the chance that he or she will commit a crime again is between a third and a half less compared to inmates without a job on release. Moreover, a study from the Parliament of the United Kingdom came up to the result that mainly groups of young prisoners, mentally ill and those from minority ethnic backgrounds need even more support, which is not provided.

For inmates it is important they get visited by their friends and family regularly. But sometimes it is difficult because the prisons are far away from the homes of the offenders. As a matter of fact, the distance from the prison to home has a significant value how the inmates progress after their release and how they get reintegrated in society. That is another aspect which should be considered when we are talking about the rehabilitation. Of course, occasionally it is not possible to keep someone captivate close to his home when he must be under special treatment such as being in a “Supermax” prison (high-security prison). I think it is quite important for the prisoners to uphold the contact with their friends and especially their family. If they know that someone will be there for them after their release it makes their life easier and these people can also give them a perspective for a better future and motivate them to do as much as possible in prison to rehabilitate.

Another important point is religion, which programs have the highest participation from all. As a study of the University of Scranton showed that a lot of prisoners don’t really participate in that program because of their faith. Most of them involve themselves because it is a good way to join a group or gang in prison to be protected against assaults. However there are a few ones who say they take part in this program because they see religion as something which gives them motivation, direction and a meaning for their life.
That is one example that not only the participation in a program is important, it’s more than that. Why do inmates really participate in such programs, is it just to get an advantage or is it because they are really interested in improving their life after release.

In my opinion it is important for our society to apply what we basically know from the studies that were made. The governments have to realise that it is a huge problem and it is getting bigger and bigger. The number of inmates is increasing as well as the number of committed crimes after release from jail. Basically they should take more care about how prisoners get integrated back in society. That means to already have a job before getting released, to have the opportunity to work in another place during their imprisonment instead of prison facilities, to life near their families so they can be visited by their relatives. The rehabilitation of prisoners would definitely get enhanced by the improvements in these areas.

Rehabilitation of prisoners: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 00:37 Do 13.05.2010
Autor: Eisfisch

> Hallo lieber Korrekturleser :) ich wäre froh wenn jemand
> meinen Essay über "Rehabilitatoin of prisoners" durchlesen
> könnte und mir die gröbsten Fehler aufzeigt!
>  Die Einleitung nocht nicht geschrieben also beginnt es mit
> dem 2. Paragraph.
>  Vielen Dank für eure Mühe!


> In this essay, I will limit the topic to the current
> situation and studies which have been made about the
> rehabilitation of prisoners. Also as well as possible solutions
> for a better treatment within the prisons to prepare the
> inmates for their release will be discussed. Neither a specific geographical
> area nor a single country will be addressed. (WARUM DAS? Ich finde,das ist nicht EGAL-  WELCHES LAND,WELCHE GEGEND ?
> Nowadays nearly three in five prisoners are reconvicted
> within two years after getting released. That is a shocking
> number if you imagine that we basically take people into
> custody for rehabilitation. It also shows us that the basic
> concept of curing criminals is not achieved yet. However,
> results of current researches show clearly that an
> effective program could reduce the re-offending after
> release by 26-32%.
> To prevent a re-offending it is essential to prepare the
> prisoners for their release back in our society. The
> prisons offer several programs in which inmates can
> participate. They learn how they should deal with their new
> life, how to find work and of course how to change
> themselves so they won’t commit another crime.

> The most prison programs focus on drug treatment and
> provision of basic education. With certainty it is
> important to stop the drug addiction first, however the
> ability of prisoners to return to work after their release
> is also essential. A maximum of just 30% of inmates are
> involved in some form of work in prison facilities and only
> a third of those take place in prison workshops, which
> prepare the prisoners even more for their future jobs after
> their discharge. If a prisoner has an employment on release
> from prison, the chance that he or she will commit a crime
> again is between a third and a half less compared to
> inmates without a job on release. Moreover, a study from
> the Parliament of the United Kingdom came up to the result
> that mainly groups of young prisoners, mentally ill and
> those from minority ethnic backgrounds need even more
> support, which is not provided. ("MENTALLY ILL" ist mit ILL als Nomen?)
> For inmates it is important that they are visited by they get visited by their
> friends and family regularly. But sometimes it is difficult
> because the prisons are far away from the homes of the
> offenders. As a matter of fact, the distance from the
> prison to home has a significant value contribution / influence  how the inmates
> progress after their release and how they get reintegrated
> in society. That is another aspect which should be
> considered when we are talking about the rehabilitation. Of
> course, occasionally it is not possible to keep someone
> captivate close to his home when he must be under special
> treatment such as being in a “Supermax” prison
> (high-security prison). I think it is quite important for
> the prisoners to uphold the contact with their friends and
> especially their family. If they know that someone will be
> there for them after their release it makes their life
> easier and these people can also give them a perspective
> for a better future and motivate them to do as much as
> possible in prison to rehabilitate.
> Another important point is religion, which programs have
> the highest participation from all. (A: religion, which programs; Das programs ist mir nicht klar.) As a study A study   of the
> University of Scranton showed that a lot of prisoners
> don’t really participate in that program because of their
> faith. Most of them involve themselves because it is a good
> way to join a group or gang in prison to be protected
> against assaults. However there are a few ones who say they
> take part in this program because they see religion as
> something which gives them motivation, direction and a
> meaning for their life.
>  That is one example that not only the participation in a
> program is important, it’s more than that. Why do inmates
> really participate in such programs, is it just to get an
> advantage or is it because they are really interested in
> improving their life after release ?  .
> In my opinion it is important for our society to apply what
> we basically know from the studies that were made. The
> governments have to realise that it is a huge problem and
> it is getting bigger and bigger. The number of inmates is
> increasing as well as the number of committed crimes after
> release from jail. Basically they should take more care
> about how prisoners get integrated back in society. That
> means to already have a job before getting released, to
> have the opportunity to work in another place during their
> imprisonment instead of prison facilities, to life near
> their families so they can be visited by their relatives.
> The rehabilitation of prisoners would definitely get be
> enhanced by the improvements in these areas.

Rehabilitation of prisoners: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:54 Do 13.05.2010
Autor: Ph0eNiX

Hallo Eisfisch
Vielen Dank, dass du mein essay gelesen und korrigiert hast! War sehr hilfreich!

Freundliche Grüsse

Rehabilitation of prisoners: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 05:20 Sa 15.05.2010
Autor: matux

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