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    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
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  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Referat Verschwörungsthe. 9/11
Referat Verschwörungsthe. 9/11 < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Referat Verschwörungsthe. 9/11: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:53 Mo 22.10.2007
Autor: UNR8D

11. Klasse
Etwa 10 minütiges Referat über Verschwörungstheorien zum 11.September

Hi, ich möchte euch bitten meinen Entwurf zum Referat kurz durchzuschauen und mich auf Grammatik-, Rechtschreib- oder andere Fehler hinzuweiesen und mir eure Meinung mitzuteilen.
Es ist so noch nicht das fertige Handout, evtl werd ich einige Punkte kürzen und nur mündlich ausführlich erwähnen und noch den ein oder anderen Punkt hinzufügen.
Hier der Text :

The biggest lie in history ?
Conspiracy theories about September 11th

Arguments against the official statement :
-The towers should not have been able to collapse back upon itself completely.
-Instead of breaking off above the crashzones to the side the whole towers chose the way of the highest resistances through the core.
-Before and after 9/11 there has been no building with a steel structure which collapsed because of a fire. On 9/11 there should have been three (Twin Towers + WTC 7).
-Kerosene doesn´t become hot enough to melt steel.
-Firemen reported there were only little fires where the plane crashed into the Southern Tower.
-The towers collapsed within 10 seconds. That´s almost free fall speed. Already with least delays trough the resistances on each floor it must have taken over 1 minute.
-The WTC constructors say the WTC were built strong enough to resist a plane impact without problems.

Most theories mean that the cause for the collapse were explosives
Arguments for this believe :
-Analogue evidence attest many explosions in the buildings, even before the crash.
-On films and pictures you can see flashes and smoke just under the falling in floors.
-The intensity of destruction is a sign of additional impacts.

How could bombs get into the WTC ?
-In the weeks before 9/11 there were many unscheduled emergency practices, evacuations and blackouts.
-At September 6th the bomb tracking dogs were grounded-off.
The brother of president Bush was director of the responsible security company till 2000.

-There are no clear remains of the plain. The official explanation is that the heat let it disapear, but 184 of 189 dead bodies were identified.
-The demolitions on the pentagon cannot be caused  by a plane.
-There is only a hole, no damage by the wings, turbines etc.
-Films which show the complete scene were confiscated within minutes. The few published pictures don´t show any plane.
-The manoeuvre was even to hard for a experienced pilot.

What was it then ?
Here most theorists have no concrete images.
-According to vouchers there were a military plane (C-130) and another untagged white plane near the Pentagon when this happened although this is a no-fly zone and there were a aircraft grounding also for military planes.
-The flight path of the alleged plane fits with an Cruse Missile.

Doubts in Bin Ladens charge
First Bin Laden himself denied the accountability for 9/11
The later published confession film is contested by many experts because of a lot of inconsistencies

Which vantages would the bush administration have from the assaults ?
Most conspiracy theorists say the US regime effected the 11th September to legitimate the following “war against terrorism” in which they got oil fields under their control, which means billions of dollars and more and more power. They also confirmed their role as most mighty country on earth.

[Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.]

Referat Verschwörungsthe. 9/11: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 00:20 Di 23.10.2007
Autor: rainerS


Ganz schnell ein paar Anmerkungen:

> The biggest lie in history ?
>  Conspiracy theories about September 11th
> WTC:
>  Arguments against the official statement :
>  -The towers should not have been able to collapse back
> upon itselfthemselves completely.
>  -Instead of breaking off above the crashzones to the side
> the whole towers (oder: "the whole tower") chose the way of the highest resistances
> through the core.
>  -Before and after 9/11 there has been no building with a
> steel structure which collapsed because of a fire. On 9/11
> there shouldwould (were? bin mir nicht sicher, was du sagen willst) have been three (Twin Towers + WTC 7).
>  -Kerosene doesn´t become[red]burn[/s] hot enough to melt steel.
>  -Firemen reported there were only little fires where the
> plane crashed into the Southern Tower.
>  -The towers collapsed within 10 seconds. That´s almost
> free fall speed. Already with least delays through the
> resistances on each floor it must have taken over 1
> minute.

Das ergibt wenig Sinn. Besser: Assuming least delays owing to the resistance of each floor it would have taken more than one minute

>  -The WTC constructors say the WTC werewas built strong enough
> to resist a plane impact without problems.
> Most theories meanassume that the cause for the collapse were
> explosives

Besser: ...assume that explosives caused the collapse

>  Arguments forin favor of this believeare :
>  -Analogue ??? evidence attest many explosions in the
> buildings, even before the crash.
>  -On films and pictures you can see flashes and smoke just
> under the falling incollapsing floors.
>  -The intensityamount (?) of destruction is a sign of additional
> impacts.
> How could bombs get into the WTC ?
>  -In the weeks before 9/11 there were many unscheduled
> emergency practices, evacuations and blackouts.
>  -AtOn September 6th the bomb tracking dogs were
> grounded-off (Versteh ich nicht).
>  The brother of president Bush was director of the
> responsible security company responsible for security until 2000.
> Pentagon:
>  -There are no cleareasily identifiable remains of the plainplane. The official
> explanation is that the heat let it disapearperished in the heat (?) , but 184 of
> 189 dead bodies were identified.
>  -The demolitions on the pentagon cannot be caused  by a
> plane.
>  -There is only a hole, no damage by the wings, turbines
> etc.
>  -Films which show the complete scene were confiscated
> within minutes. The few published pictures don´t show any
> plane.
>  -The manoeuvre was even too hard for a experienced pilot. (welches Flugmanöver?)
> What was it then ?
>  Here most theorists have nodon't have any concrete imagesprecise ideas.
> -According to vouchers (watchers? observers!) there were a military plane (C-130)
> and another untagged white plane near the Pentagon when
> this happened although this is a no-fly zone and there were
> a aircraft grounding also for military planes.
and all planes, including military ones were grounded
>  -The flight path of the alleged plane fits with an Cruise
> Missile.
> Doubts in Bin Laden's charge
>  First Bin Laden himself denied the accountability for
> 9/11
>  The later published confession published later on film is contested by many
> experts because of a lot of inconsistencies
> Which advantages would the bush administration have from the
> assaults ?
>  Most conspiracy theorists say the US regime effected the
> 11th September to legitimate the following “war against
> terrorism” in which they got oil fields under their
> control, which means billions of dollars and more and more
> power. They also confirmed their role as most mightymightiest
> country on earth.

Viele Grüße

Referat Verschwörungsthe. 9/11: Danke
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:42 Di 23.10.2007
Autor: UNR8D

Puh sind ja doch paar, teils offensichtliche Fehler drin, aber wenn man da ewig drüber sitzt und sich das danach durchliest sieht man kaum mehr was man falsch gemacht hat.
Vielen Dank fürs Durchschauen, werd das jetzt mal überarbeiten :)


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