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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen
Korrekturlesen < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrekturlesen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:30 Do 27.08.2009
Autor: lauri1604

Hallo zusammen!
Fänd das super lieb wenn ihr über den Text mal drüber lesen würdet und ein bisschen verbessern würdet.
Bin nicht so die Leuchte in Englisch ;-)

Your best friend marries and comes to the perfect idea to celebrate a bachelor resignation with you and all your friends.
Of Course you think the bride may not organize the party. You have to contrive the bachelor resignation!
No sooner said than done. The flight to Las Vegas is booked for the next weekend.
Your best friend is very happy and the other girls, too. In 3 days is weekend.

3 days later!

On the Düsseldorfer Airport the spirit is great and you, the bride and your friends are beginning to celebrate.
The champagne stands ready. The party can begin.
In the airman everybody notice that your best friend, the bride celebrate a bachelor resignation.
Nobody has a problem with it, the most people celebrate with the bride.
After 8 hours block time you are in Las Vegas in the evening and want to see immediately the hotel.
You booked a brilliant suite in the Hilton hotel and the forecast is fantastic.
On the weekend nobody should regard of the money.

Your suite is great and after the next bottle champagne you get ready for your first evening and night in Las Vegas.
You go to a Cocktailbar to along celebrate but a visit in a Playcasino may not be absent.
Each of you try one’s luck.
But how one says so nicely … Bad luck in the play, luck in the love.

Meanwhile it is quite late but you don’t see at all to go to the hotel because the night is still long.

On the brightly illuminated streets from Las Vegas you see the first wedding chapel where also really is a wedding.
There is no cooler place than Las Vegas to marry.
And nothing is better than marry, in the morning at four o'clock, in a way through chapel with a taxi driver as witnesses - even if the priest is no Elvisactor.

You mean witness must play to be practiced and also steps in immediately because every pair must also have witnesses.
You have a great time, but slowly you’re happy when you lie in your bed.

Saturday Morning

In a good mood you get up and are glad about a real American breakfast.
You plan your day and you and the other girls are quickly united that today must become gone shopping.
A long time ago shopping in Las Vegas was a pastime.
It was a enterprise to hold the ladies with mood, while the mens enjoyed themselves at the play table. This has changed.
The fashion show Mall is for the perfect place and one is occupied the whole day.
There are many events and you can sit in many bars and coffeehouses.
The whole day going shopping makes hungry and you and your friends visit a nice restaurant.
In the hotel you and the others are united that the new clothes must be presented and decided to make the clubs unsave.
You have so much fun with all your friends and it was a unique experience what nobody of you so fast will forget.

In the morning you have to get up early to catch the airman to fly home and you and the others are  gladly if her have time to sleep.

But this weekend remains unforgettable for you, your friends and the bride.

Danke schon mal im vorraus =)
Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt

Korrekturlesen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:31 Do 27.08.2009
Autor: rainerS

Hallo Laura!

> Hallo zusammen!
>  Fänd das super lieb wenn ihr über den Text mal drüber
> lesen würdet und ein bisschen verbessern würdet.
>  Bin nicht so die Leuchte in Englisch ;-)

Ich probier's mal ;-)

An zwei Stellen verstehe ich den Satz nicht, vielleicht schreibst du mal auf Deutsch, was du sagen willst.

> Imagine!
>  Your best friend marries and comes tohas the perfect idea to
> celebrate a bachelor partyresignation with you and all your
> friends.

Anmerkung: wenn es um die Braut und ihre Freundinnen geht, sagen die Amerikaner "bachelorette party".

>  Of Course you think the bride may not organize the party.

Willst du sagen, sie darf nicht. dann heisst es:

Of course, you think that the bride must not organize the party herself.

> You have to contrive the bachelor resignation!

Vielleicht besser:

So, it's your task to do it!

>  No sooner said than done. The flight to Las Vegas is
> booked for the next weekend.
>  Your best friend is very happy and the other girls, too.
> In 3 days is weekend.
> 3 days later!
> On the Düsseldorfer Airport the spirit is great and you,
> the bride and your friends are beginning to celebrate.

"the spirit is great" heisst eher "die Einstellung ist toll"


At Düsseldort airport all are in high spirits, and you,
the bride and your friends begin to celebrate.

>  The champagne stands ready. The party can begin.
>  In the airman everybody notice that your best friend, the
> bride celebrate a bachelor resignation.

In the airplane, all passengers perceive that your best friend, the
bride is there to celebrate a bachelorette party.

>  Nobody has a problem with it, the most people celebrate
> with the bride.
>  After 8 hours block time you are in Las Vegas in the
> evening and want to see immediately the hotel.

After an 8 hour flight (ist das nicht ein bischen kurz?) you arrive in Las Vegas in the evening and want to see the hotel immediately.

>  You booked a brilliant suite in the Hilton hotel and the
> forecast is fantastic.
>  On the weekend nobody should regard of the money.

During the weekend nobody should mind about the money spent.

> Your suite is great and after the next bottle of champagne you
> get ready for your first evening and night in Las Vegas.


>  You go to a Cocktailbar to along celebrate but a visit in
> a Playcasino may not be absent.

Den Satz versteh ich nicht richtig.

>  Each of you try one’s luck.

Everyone of you tries her luck.

(Wenn es nur Frauen sind, dann kannst du ruhig "her" schreiben)

>  But how one says so nicely … Bad luck in the play, luck
> in the love.

Unlucky at cards, lucky in love

> Meanwhile it is quite late but you don’t see at all to go
> to the hotel because the night is still long.

In the meantime it has become quite late but you don't see at all why you should return to the hotel yet. The night i still young.

> On the brightly illuminated streets offrom Las Vegas you see
> the first wedding chapel where there is also really is a wedding taking place.
>  There is no cooler place than Las Vegas to marry.
>  And nothing is better than marry, in the morning at four
> o'clock, in a way through chapel with a taxi driver as
> witnesses - even if the priest is no Elvisactor.


"way through" meinst du eine Art Autoschalter? "drive-through" heisst das

And nothing is better than to marry at four in the morning, in a drive-thru chapel with a taxi driver as witness -
even if the priest is not an Elvis impersonator.

> You mean witness must play to be practiced and also steps

Da versteh ich nicht, was du meinst

> in immediately because every pair couple must also have
> witnesses.

"pair" bedeutet Paar im Sinne von "ein Paar Schuhe".

>  You have a great time, but eventuallyslowly you’re happy when you
> lie in your bed to go to bed.
> Saturday Morning
> In a good mood you get up and are glad about enjoy a real
> American breakfast.
>  You plan your day and you and the other girls are quickly agree
> united that today must be spent become gone shopping.
>  A long time ago shopping in Las Vegas was a pastime.
>  It was a means enterprise to keephold the ladies with in a good mood, while
> the mensgentlemen enjoyed themselves at the playgaming table.

> Nowadays This has changed.
>  The fashion show Mall is for the perfect place and one is
> occupied the whole day.
>  There are many events and you can sit in many bars and
> coffeehouses.
>  The whole day going shopping makes hungry and you and your [red]that no onere]d

Shopping the whole day makes you hungry, and you ....

> friends visit a nice restaurant.
>  In the hotel you and the others agree are united that the new
> clothes must be shown in publicpresented and decided to make the clubs
> unsave.

Den Ausdruck gibt's im Englischen nicht. Vielleicht

... and decide to go bar hopping.

>  You have so much fun with all your friends and it was a
> unique experience what nobody of you so fast will forget.

.. that no one will forget easily.

> In the morning you have to get up early to catch the airman plane
> to fly home and

(neuer Satz)
you and the others are  gladly if her to have

> time to sleep.
> But this weekend remains unforgettable for you, your
> friends and the bride.

Viele Grüße

Korrekturlesen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:19 Do 27.08.2009
Autor: lauri1604

Super danke für deine Hilfe!
Ich glaub du wirst selbst gemerkt haben, dass ich in Englisch nicht so die Leuchte bin ;-) aber jetzt kann mir morgen ja schon fast nichts mehr passieren ;-)

>  You go to a Cocktailbar to along celebrate but a visit in
> a Playcasino may not be absent.

Mit dem Satz meine ich, dass sie in eine Cocktailbar gehen um dort weiter zu feiern aber eine besuch in einem Spielecasino darf auch nicht fehlen.

> You mean witness must play to be practiced and also steps

und mit dem Satz mein ich das Trauzeuge sein geübt sein soll und sie auch sofort einspringt, weil jedes Paar auch Trauzeugen haben sollte.

Aber super lieb von dir das du dir die Zeit genommen hast!

Danke =)

Korrekturlesen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 00:39 Fr 28.08.2009
Autor: rainerS


> Super danke für deine Hilfe!
>  Ich glaub du wirst selbst gemerkt haben, dass ich in
> Englisch nicht so die Leuchte bin ;-) aber jetzt kann mir
> morgen ja schon fast nichts mehr passieren ;-)

Naja, vielleicht bis auf die Kirche, durch die ihr mit dem Auto fahrt ;-)

> >  You go to a Cocktailbar to along celebrate but a visit in

>  > a Playcasino may not be absent.

> Mit dem Satz meine ich, dass sie in eine Cocktailbar gehen
> um dort weiter zu feiern aber eine besuch in einem
> Spielecasino darf auch nicht fehlen.

You start your celebration in a cocktail bar.  Of course, a visit to one of the casinos later is an absolute must.

> > You mean witness must play to be practiced and also steps
> und mit dem Satz mein ich das Trauzeuge sein geübt sein
> soll und sie auch sofort einspringt, weil jedes Paar auch
> Trauzeugen haben sollte.

OK, in diesem Fall würde ich "geübt" mit "experienced" übersetzen. Etwa so:

You need experienced (legal) witnesses who can fill in immediately.

Viele Grüße

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