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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur von englisch text
Korrektur von englisch text < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur von englisch text: Englisch text Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:20 Do 28.02.2008
Autor: Spamkiller

Musste 3 Fragen in  Englisch beantworten und wollte fragen ob jmd meine Antworten viel. Korrekturlesen k;nnte``

Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt:

Hi all,
I had to answer to some questions in school and i wanted to ask if u could look for mistakes in my answers to the following questions:
1. In how far is Barack Obama’s success that outstanding?
2. What is said about Obama’s special personality and abilities that make him so attractive to American voters?
3. How is Miuke Huckabee described in the text?
Thanks a lot in advance^^

1. In how far is Barack Obama’s suc@_cess that outstanding?
Barack Obama’s success is in so far that outstanding, because he is an African-American man, who wins a closely fought campaign in a privotal state.
He beats two strong opponents, including Hillary Clinton.
Furthermore it has to be said, that he won in at state, where rural voters are favoured.
And even if Iowa won’t settle the race, it will still influence the primary season with this result.
Moreover the Americans are going to feel good about the Obama victory, because it is a story of youth, possibility and unity through diversity.

2. What is said about Obama’s special personality and abilities that make him so attractive to American voters?
Barack Obama has a special personality and many special abilities, which make him so attractive to American voters.
First of all we want to name some of his abilities.
One of them is, that he is getting young voters to come out to the caucuses.
Furthermore he is able to let Hillary Clinton’s politic look uninspired.
Moreover he let John Edwards seeming old-fashioned
At least he wants to erase old categories like red and blue and like black and white.

3. How is Miuke Huckabee described in the text?
Mike Huckabee is described as the first ironic evangelical on the national stage, who is funny, campy and at least not at war with modern culture.
Furthermore he is described as a person, who does not embody the leadership class, but as a person, who went after it.
Moreover he understands, that economic well-being is fused with social and moral well-being.
So finally he is described as a person, who wouldn’t lead the Americans into the past, when he would succeed in the final election and who should not be underestimated.

Korrektur von englisch text: Grammatik Korrektur
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:44 Do 28.02.2008
Autor: bobicar

1. In how far is Barack Obama’s suc@_cess that outstanding?
Barack Obama’s success is in so far that outstanding, because he is an African-American man, who wins a closely fought campaign in a privotal state.
He beats two strong opponents, including Hillary Clinton.
Furthermore it has to be said, that he won in at state, where rural voters are favoured.
And even if Iowa won’t settle the race, it will still influence the primary season with this result.
Moreover the Americans are going to feel good about the Obama victory, because it is a story of youth, possibility and unity through diversity.

1. In how far is Barack Obama’s suc@_cess that outstanding?
Barack Obama’s success is in so far outstanding, that he is an African-American man, who wins a closely fought campaign in a privotal state.
He beats two strong opponents, including Hillary Clinton.
Furthermore it has to be said, that he won in a state, where rural voters are favoured.
And even if Iowa won’t settle the race, it will still influence the primary season with this result.
Moreover the Americans are going to feel good about the Obama victory, because it is a story of youth, possibility and unity through diversity.

2. What is said about Obama’s special personality and abilities that make him so attractive to American voters?
Barack Obama has a special personality and many special abilities, which make him so attractive to American voters.
First of all we want to name some of his abilities.
One of them is, that he is getting young voters to come out to the caucuses.
Furthermore he is able to let Hillary Clinton’s politic look uninspired.
Moreover he let John Edwards seeming old-fashioned
At least he wants to erase* old categories like red and blue and like black and white.

Falls "Abschaffen" gemeint ist (Was es wohl ist) kannst du hier auch "abolish" einsetzen. "erase" würde zwar vom Sinn her passen, wird dann aber meiner Meinung nach Zweckentfremdet.

2. What is said about Obama’s special personality and abilities that make him so attractive to American voters?
Barack Obama has a special personality and many special abilities, which make him so attractive to American voters.
First of all we want to name some of his abilities.
One of them is, that he is getting young voters to come out to the caucuses.
Furthermore he is able to let Hillary Clinton’s politic look uninspired.
Moreover he let John Edwards seem old-fashioned.<--- Punkt :)
At least he wants to abolish old categories like red and blue or black and white.

3. How is Miuke Huckabee described in the text?
Mike Huckabee is described as the first ironic evangelical on the national stage, who is funny, campy and at least not at war with modern culture.
Furthermore he is described as a person, who does not embody the leadership class, but as a person, who went after it.
Moreover he understands, that economic well-being is fused with social and moral well-being.
So finally he is described as a person, who wouldn’t lead the Americans into the past, when he would succeed in the final election and who should not be underestimated.

Das who würde ich hier weg lassen, denn durch das erste who ist ja bereits eine Beziehung zu der Person hergestellt und es hört sich dann ohne besser an.
Wobei es mit dem 2. who trotzdem genauso richtig wäre!

3. How is Miuke Huckabee described in the text?
Mike Huckabee is described as the first ironic evangelical on the national stage, who is funny, campy and at least not at war with modern culture.
Furthermore he is described as a person, who does not embody the leadership class, but as a person, who went after it.
Moreover he understands, that economic well-being is fused with social and moral well-being.
So finally he is described as a person, who wouldn’t lead the Americans into the past if he succeeds in the final election and should not be underestimated.

So das wärs.. Leider bin ich nicht sooo unglaublich Talentiert was Rechtschreibung angeht, aber mir sind da auch keine Rechtschreibfehler aufgefallen.

Gruß Marc

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