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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur bitte =)
Korrektur bitte =) < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur bitte =): Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:26 Do 30.08.2007
Autor: Eternity

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Hab eine mehr oder weniger oberflächliche Inhaltszusammenfassung von Ocar Wildes Kurzgeschichte "The happy prince" geschrieben.....es is mehr oder weniger für mich selbst aber trotzdem würde ich gern eine Korrektur haben, falls sich irgendwer die mühe machen möcht =)

schon mal danke


There was a statue of a prince which had eyes of bright sapphires (safeiers) and a sword with a large red ruby.
One day a swallow flew over the city where the statue was standing.
She lost her friends who were still in egypt because winter was coming.
She lost them because she was fallen in love with a reed (Schilfrohr) and forget the time.
When she came to the statue she she put up on it and prepared herself to go to sleep but suddenley a drop of water fell on her.
So she looked up to the statue and saw that the happy prince was crying.
The swallow wanted to help him and asked him why he was crying.
And so the prince told her about his past where he was always happy and than he asked the swallow to bring his ruby to a very poor seamstres (Näherin) who had an ill son.
At first the swallow refused because he wanted to egypt but then he flw away with the ruby in her mouth. The woman was very happy and her soon felt better. This was the 1st good deed.
And the swallow felt good.
On the next day the prince persuade her to help a young hungry and poor man and the swallow stayed another night and brought one of the sapphires to this young stundent which was very glad to find this worthful sapphire.
And then the swallow stayed a night longer again because the prince asked her to bring his other sapphire to a little girl who is always beaten by her father when she didn´t bring enough money home.
When the swallow came back he told the prince that she would stay with him forever because without his sapphires he was blind.
At first the prince refused and wanted the swallow to fly to warm egypt to all it´s friends.
But the swallow didn´t left him alone and told him stories.
Moreover the prince asked her to fly over the city every day that she can tell him what she had seen.
So the swallow told him about all the poorness and the prince forced her to pick leaves of his gold and distribute it to all poor people.
Then the winter came and the swallow get colder and colder and she knw that she´ll dye.
At last she kissed the prince and fall down.
The maier melted the statue because without the gold, the ruby and the sapphires it was ugly.
But the heart didn´t melt and came together with the dead bird on the dust.

Korrektur bitte =): Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:17 Do 30.08.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Lisa, ersteinmal [willkommenvh]!

> Hab eine mehr oder weniger oberflächliche
> Inhaltszusammenfassung von Ocar Wildes Kurzgeschichte "The
> happy prince" geschrieben.....es is mehr oder weniger für
> mich selbst aber trotzdem würde ich gern eine Korrektur
> haben, falls sich irgendwer die mühe machen möcht =)

Klar ;-)

> There was a statue of a prince which had eyes of bright
> sapphires (safeiers) and a sword with a large red ruby.
> One day a swallow flew over the city where the statue was
> standing.
> She (Da,it meinst du jetzt aber nicht die Statue, oder? Ich kenne die Geschichte leider nicht)lost her friends who were still in egypt because winter
> was coming.
> She (Wie ich sehe meinst du mit "She" nicht die Statue---> du solltest am Anfang sagen, wer oder was "She" ist!)lost them because she was fallen in love with a reed
> (Schilfrohr) and forget the time.
>  When she came to the statue she she put up on it (Was befestigt sie an der Statue?)  and
> prepared herself to go to sleep but suddenley a drop of
> water fell on her.
> So she looked up to the statue and saw that the happy
> prince was crying.
>  The swallow wanted to help him and asked him why he was
> crying.
> And so the prince told her about his past where he was
> always happy and than he asked the swallow to bring his
> ruby to a very poor seamstres (Näherin) who had an ill son.
> At first the swallow refused because she wanted to egypt but
> then he flw away with the ruby in her mouth. The woman was
> very happy and her soon felt better. This was the 1st good
> deed.
> And the swallow felt good(,too)
> On the next day the prince persuaded her to help a young
> hungry and poor man and the swallow stayed another night
> and brought one of the sapphires to this young stundent
> which who was very glad to find this worthful (? Meinst du kostbar? Dann precious) sapphire.
> And then the swallow stayed a night longer again because
> the prince asked her to bring his other sapphire to a
> little girl who is always beaten by her father when she
> didn´t bring enough money home.
> When the swallow came back he told the prince that she
> would stay with him forever because without his sapphires
> she was blind.
> At first the prince refused and wanted the swallow to fly
> to warm egypt to all it´s her friends.
>  But the swallow didn´t (besser: did not) left  leavehim alone and told him
> stories.
>  Moreover the prince asked her to fly over the city every
> day that she can could tell him what she had seen.
> So the swallow told him about all the poorness and the
> prince forced her to pick leaves of his gold and distributed
> it to all poor people.
> Then the winter came and the swallow get got colder and colder
> and she knew that she ´ll dye. would die.
> At last she kissed the prince and fall down.
> The maier melted the statue because without the gold, the
> ruby and the sapphires it was ugly.
> But the heart didn´t melt and came together with the dead
> bird on the dust.

Da waren ein paar Flüchtigkeitsfehler drinnden, sonst [ok].

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

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