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(Frage) überfällig | Datum: | 09:23 So 05.07.2009 | Autor: | Dinker |
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Ich wäre sehr dankbar, wenn jemand drüber schauen könnte.
She abides the government rules, without question it.
For Jack the laws of nature are also valid for human beings
The novel is written at the point of view (aus der Sichteweise von Mr x)
In the first World War he witnessed the arbitrariness and cruelty of human nature. Based on his experiences he came to the conclusion that savagery exists in everyone of us.
It’s interesting to recognize that with you can make a link to today with most of the themes, because they are more currently than ever.
Because people are the product of natural manufacture (geht das?) and manipulated thorough their life they aren’t perceived as individual. Of course this is exactly the government’s aid. It’s much easier to control citizens who are equal, than people who act and think in an individualistic way. Thank this measure the state can prevent conflicts, but the people must sacrifice a lot of. In my opinion just the uniqueness of every human being is the thing what the life makes so interesting. Or would you like when everyone on the world would think in the same way as you? About what would you speak, when you already know what the others think? Therefore it’s very important that the state protects our freedom, so that we can act in our individualistic way.
The author was influenced by the systems of state between the two Word Wars. You should call in my mind, that Europe was predominated almost completely from Totalitarianism in 1941.
The citizens eradicate every reference to the past from their memories. For example Mildred can’t remember where and when she met her husband the first time. Because the people and government regard the way of life in the past as out of time, a time when people had to suffer and felt unhappy. But now all the people have found their fulfillment and don’t want be linked with this bad time.
A few people don’t want to accept the eradication of the past. Therefore they associate to a book people organization. Their task is to memorise the books information and keep in my mind.
You can see as more savage they become as more primitive their language is.
Gruss Dinker
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(Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig | Datum: | 10:20 Mi 05.08.2009 | Autor: | matux |