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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englischtext
Englischtext < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Englischtext: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 23:24 Sa 25.12.2010
Autor: ik29

Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt: http://www.englischboard.de/ptopic,12555.html#12555

Hallo ich muss einen zusammenhängenden Text auf Englisch verfassen und habe dies jetzt gemacht, bin mir aber noch nicht so sicher ob die Sprache und Grammatik richtig ist kann mir das jemand vielleicht korrigieren helfen???

The Story “An American executive in London” is about cultural differences in relation to management and standard procedures in companies between American and British ideals. The American executive moved to London and has his own beliefs of being an executive and can’t understand the beliefs and procedures of the British company and wants to change the structure of the reception for visitors. The problem between the American executive and the British employees defines the beliefs of both related to the existing procedure of the reception for visitors. The American executive becomes annoyed by the long hierarchical procedure, which robs time because the visitors have to pass by a view positions in the companies hierarchy and were never sent directly to his office.  That is why the American executive wants more flexibility and uncomplicated procedures. He does not want such a strict hierarchical procedure for the reception of visitors. In contrast to the American executive the British employees are used to have hierarchical procedures in that content and it defines a standard in the British companies and in the beliefs of British employees. Therefore the British employees were very upset when the American executive talked to the British employees with the idea to change this practice of the reception of visitors.  
The difference between the both actors could be found in the difference of their cultures and the habit of the management structures and procedures in the companies.
This problem could be reflected with one of Geert Hofstedes dimensions of national culture. Hofstede defines as third point in his cultural dimensions the point, which is called Uncertainty Avoidance and it is divided in High Uncertainty Avoidance and Low Uncertainty Avoidance. This dimension deals with society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It indicates to what extent a culture program its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Cultures with High Uncertainty Avoidance, like the British employees, try to minimize the possibility of unstructured situations by strict laws and rules. The opposite types, cultures with Low Uncertainty Avoidance like the American executive, are more tolerant of situations which are different from what they are used to. They try to have as few rules as possible and not those strict procedures.
The American executive is not accustomed to such a long hierarchic practice and wanted to change that practice according to his beliefs and experience without knowing that this hierarchical procedure defines a standard in London. Equally the British employees are used to that strict hierarchical practice and want to save it.
The story “An American executive in London” shows the different cultural beliefs and how a little practice can create significant problems in business culture. Business people should be open minded for changes and should act professionally and accept cultural beliefs.


Englischtext: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 00:20 Mo 03.01.2011
Autor: matux

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