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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
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    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
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    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Comment
Comment < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Comment: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:29 Sa 17.04.2010
Autor: bjoern777

Aufgabe 1
Bitte diesen Comment korrektur lesen

Aufgabe 2
Hallo, kann mir bitte jemand diesen Text korrektur lesen?

In the following I will compare reasons for marriages in Indian society and Western society.

Sorry, das der text so lang ist. Vielleicht hat jemand von euch ja auch noch Ideen, was man noch schreiben könnte (Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede) DANKE IM VORRAUS!!!!!!!!!

On the one hand, marriages in India are mostly arranged. It is also difficult for a Indian woman to participate in which partner she will falls in love. Furthermore it gives another aspect, namely that marriages in India are mostly arranged, because of the financial advantages. Mostly the potential groom has got a rich family, and that is the fact - the Indian woman, eg. she (and her family, too) can trade on the wedding.
Another fact to marriage in India is the celebration of each marriage. It will be cost mostly a lot of money, but it is value of the family of the groom.
In India the bride and the grom are not knows togehter, so it has got a “surprise effect” on their first meeting.
The marriages would be celebrate so extensive, because the woman has not gor civil right, eg. she could not divorce the marriage, as in Western society.
Another aspect to marriages in India is, that the Indian people has got an element of mindset, which some people, especially from the Western society did not have, such as that the Western society - people are live along the lines of work, work, work, and save money. That is not the mentality of the Indian people, and that coud be a good reason to marriage in India, because they live true to the motto to be happy. But it could be a great - and that is often the reason - that a Indian woman marriages in India because of the security, so the woman would be sure that her family would be choose the “right” partner for her. She reliance her family, becuase they have got for life experience.
On the other hand it could be a good reason to marriage in the Western society, because of the reason of independent of the womans. The woman is not committed to live with her groom over years together, she has got the opportunity to divorce the marriages, even it is not a well thing, but in some cases it would be the better opportunity.
Another aspect for marriages in the Western society - and maybe the importanst - is that the woman will be marriages because of out of love. That is the difference between India and Western society marriages. Woman in the Western society are more emancipated as Indian woman. So, the Western soicety woman has got more rights than a Indian woman.
Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt:http://www.uni-protokolle.de/foren/viewt/261809,0.html

Comment: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 08:04 Mo 19.04.2010
Autor: rainerS


> Bitte diesen Comment korrektur lesen
>  Hallo, kann mir bitte jemand diesen Text korrektur lesen?
>  In the following I will compare reasons for marriages in
> Indian society and Western society.
> Sorry, das der text so lang ist. Vielleicht hat jemand von
> euch ja auch noch Ideen, was man noch schreiben könnte
> (Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede) DANKE IM
> VORRAUS!!!!!!!!!

Eine allgemeine Bemerkugn vorweg:  da hat sich auch in Indien manches geändert: die Situation, die du beschreibst, gilt so nicht mehr überall.  Es ist nach wie vor richtig, dass sehr viele Ehen schon lange vorher von der Eltern verabredet wurden. Aber gerade in den industriellen Zentren (Hyderabad fällt einem ein) gibt es einen großen Anteil gut ausgebildeter, berufstätiger, emanzipierter Frauen, die keines falls die ganze Zeit bei ihren Eltern auf den Bräutigam warten.

> On the one hand, marriages in India are mostly arranged. It
> is also difficult for an Indian woman to participate in

particate heisst teilnehmen, das ergibt keinen Sinn.

> which partner she will falls in love.

Besser: an Indian woman has little influence on the choice of a groom

> Furthermore it gives
> another aspect, namely that marriages in India are mostly
> arranged, because of the financial advantages.

Da wiederholst du dich. Besser:

Financial advantages are another reason for the arrangement of a marriage.

> Mostly the
> potential groom has got a rich family, and that is the fact
> - the Indian woman, eg. she (and her family, too) can trade
> on the wedding.
>  Another fact to marriage in India is the celebration of
> each marriage.

Noch eine Wiederholung:

Another important aspect is the marriage celebration.

> It will be cost mostly a lot of money, but

In most cases it costs a lot of money, but

> it is of value of the family of the groom.
>  In India the bride and the grom are not knows togehter, so

In India the bride and the groom do not know each other beforehand, so

> it has got a “surprise effect” on their first meeting.

>  The marriages wouldwill be celebrate so extensively, because the
> woman has not gor civil right, eg. she could not divorce

has got no civil rights, eg. she could not divorce

> the marriage, as in Western society.

Das ist falsch, war früher mal so. Sieh zum Beispiel []hier.

>  Another aspect to marriages in India is, that the Indian
> people has got an element of mindset, which some people,
> especially from the Western society did not have, such as
> that the Western society - people are live along the lines
> of work, work, work, and save money.

Keine deutschen Monstersätze ;-)


Another aspect of Indian marriage is the different mindset of the Indian people: some people, especially from western societies live along the lines of work, work, work, and make money.

> That is not the
> mentality of the Indian people, and that could be a good
> reason tofor marriage in India, because they live true to the
> motto to be happy. But it could be a great - and that is
> often the reason - that a Indian woman marriagesmarries in India
> because of the security, so that the woman would be sure that
> her family would be choose the “right” partner for her.
> She reliancerelies on her family, becuase they have got for life
> experience.

Da verstehe ich nicht, was du sagen willst.

>  On the other hand it could be a good reason to marriagemarry in
> the Western society, because of the reason of independentindependence
> of the womans. The woman is not committed to live together with her
> groomhusband over years together, she has got the opportunity to
> divorce [/s]the marriages[/s], even it is not a wellgood thing, but in
> some cases it would be the better opportunity.
>  Another aspect forof marriages in the Western society - and
> maybe the importanstmost important - is that the woman will be marriagesmarry
> because of out of love. That is the difference between
> India and Western society marriages. WomanWomen in the Western
> society are more emancipated asthan Indian womanwomen. So, the
> Western soicety woman has got more rights than an Indian
> woman.

Wie schon gesagt, das ist so allgemein nicht mehr richtig.

Viele Grüße

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