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    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
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  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Chinatown
Chinatown < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Chinatown: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:20 Mo 29.10.2007
Autor: Ailien.

Also es geht darum, dass ich ne kleine Präsentation (max.5min) über Chinatown halten muss. Wäre nett wenn ihr mal rübergucken könntet, und nicht wundern, ich schreib immer so wieich es sagen würde ;)

Today I want to give you some special information about Chinatown,a whole district which is inhabited by Chinese. In 2 squaremiles there are living about 150000 Chinese, compared to New York as a whole there are about 300000 people with chinese ancestry. So, the biggest part of them live there and Chinatown is also the place where the most Chinese live outside of China, except for Hongkong.
And mainly there are living Chinese of the provinces Guangdong, Toisan and Fujian. So much for that, now I want to continue with the history or rather the development of Chinatown.
The first chinese settlers in the middle of the 19th century settled while coming across California. The laws of the USA did not allow at that time that family members came too, and so the mayority of the Chinese had to go back. From1882 until 1965 it was just allowed that 105 persons could immigrate. After the abolishment of the law in 1968, Chinatown developed so much, that the primary frontiers are extravagated (überschritten) for a long time. Meantime Chinatown is situated in the streets between Worth and Hester, as well as East Broadway and West Broasway. The main road of this district is the Canal Street, where visitors have the possibility to find the traditional chinese stores with spices oder eatables. Basically Chinatown is famous for the chinese cuisine but there are also hidden sights like the Eastern States Buddhist Temple in the Mott Street, in which 100 figures of Buddha shine in candlelight.
Moreover,near the Chatham Square, there is the Kim Lau Memorial Arch, which is a monument constituted in 1962 for the fallen Americans with chinese ancestry in the second World War.
Another sight in Chinatown is the Museum of Chinese in the Americas, which attend to the history and exploration of the influence of the culture to the western world.
Finally I want to inform you about the festivals and events celebrated in Chinatown. On the one hand they celebrate the Dragon Dance on the occasion of the chinese new-year, which is the most important holiday. It takes place between Jnuary and February and chinese4 Dragon, and Liondances are staged during the streets and houses are decorated with lanterns.
On the other hand, another important event ist the Ghoast Festival, at the 15th of the 7th month of the moon (Mondmonat). Because of the banishment of bad ghosts chinese families burn up special paper money.

Chinatown: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:46 Di 30.10.2007
Autor: rainerS


Schöner Text, den du da geschrieben hast.

Ein paar Schreibfehler und Formulierungen hab ich gefunden:

> Today I want to give you some special information about
> Chinatown,a whole district of New York which is inhabited by Chinese.

Auch San Francisco hat einen Stadtteil namens CHinatown, deswegen besser New york nennen.

> In 2 square miles there are living about 150000 Chinese,
> compared to New York as a whole wherethere are about 300000
> people with chinese ancestry. So, the biggest part of them

"part" ist nicht so gut, das klingt wie etwas, was man abschneiden kann ;-)

"portion" oder "fraction" finde ich besser

> live there and Chinatown is also the place where the most
> Chinese live outside of China, except for Hongkong.

Besser nicht ganz so lnage Sätze.

>  And mainly there are living Chinese of the provinces
> Guangdong, Toisan and Fujian. So much for that, now I want
> to continue with the history or rather the development of
> Chinatown.
>  The first chinese settlers in the middle of the 19th
> century settled while coming across California. At that time, The laws of
> the USA did not allow at that time that family members came
> too, and so the mayority of the Chinese had to go back.
> From1882 until 1965 it was just allowed that only 105 persons
> could were allowed to immigrate. After the abolishment of the law in 1968,
> Chinatown developed so much, that the [red]primaryoriginal frontiersborders arehave been
> extravagatedexceeded (überschritten) for a long time. Meantime Nowadays
> Chinatown is situated in the streets between Worth and
> Hester, as well as East Broadway and West Broasdway. The
> main road of this district is the Canal Street, where
> visitors have the possibility to find the traditional
> chinese stores with spices oder eatables. Basically
> Chinatown is famous for the chinese cuisine but there are
> also hidden sights like the Eastern States Buddhist Temple
> in the Mott Street, in which 100 figures of Buddha shine in
> candlelight.
>  Moreover,near the Chatham Square, there is the Kim Lau
> Memorial Arch, which is a monument constituted in 1962 for
> the fallen Americans with chinese ancestry in the second
> World War.

Hmm, vielleicht besser "for Americans of chinese ancestry killed in action during World War II"

>  Another sight in Chinatown is the Museum of Chinese in the
> Americas, which attends to the history and exploration of
> the influence of their culture to the western world.
>  Finally I want to inform you about the festivals and
> events celebrated in Chinatown. On the one hand they
> celebrate the Dragon Dance on the occasion of the chinese
> new-year, which is the most important holiday. It takes
> place between January and February. and chinese4 Dragon, and
> Liondances are staged duringin the streets and houses are
> decorated with lanterns.
>  On the other hand, another important event ist the Ghoast
> Festival, at the 15th of the 7th month of the moon
> (Mondmonat). Because of the banishment ofIn order to banish bad ghosts
> chinese families burn up special paper money.

Viele Grüße

Chinatown: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:50 Di 30.10.2007
Autor: Ailien.

Wollte mich schnell für deine Hilfe bedanken, jetzt hört sich der Text echt gut an!
Danke :)

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