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Status Mathe-Vorkurse
  Status Organisatorisches
  Status Schule
    Status Wiederholung Algebra
    Status Einführung Analysis
    Status Einführung Analytisc
    Status VK 21: Mathematik 6.
    Status VK 37: Kurvendiskussionen
    Status VK Abivorbereitungen
  Status Universität
    Status Lerngruppe LinAlg
    Status VK 13 Analysis I FH
    Status Algebra 2006
    Status VK 22: Algebra 2007
    Status GruMiHH 06
    Status VK 58: Algebra 1
    Status VK 59: Lineare Algebra
    Status VK 60: Analysis
    Status Wahrscheinlichkeitst

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Addiction and Dependence
Addiction and Dependence < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Addiction and Dependence: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:34 Mo 01.02.2021
Autor: cheezy

Topic: Addiction and Dependence

You work for the Indiana State Police and you have been invited by WIBC Radio to talk about the current situation of alcohol consumption among young people

Start the interview by introducing yourself and your work

In a first step, talk about current drinking habits in Indiana

Explain why people drink so much alcohol during the holidays. Who or what is to be blamed?

Talk about the short and long term effects of drinking. Who is at risk?
Present your personal attitude towards binge drinking and drinking in general. What measures should be taken to make people drink more responsibility?

Hello ladies and gentleman,

My name is Christian and Im working for the Indiana State Police. My work is that I have to watch if people observe the laws according of drugs. Nowadays the situation in Indiana it is very worrying because more students start to celebrate together on Wednesday, before they meet their parents on the weekends. The night before Thanksgiving is the one of the biggest party nights of the year. The problem on this party evening is that these parents are drinking alcohol beside their kiddies and they start automatically to drink. These leads oder lead to binge drinking, which minors drink a large amount of alcohol in a short space of time. Another reason is that these pupils have so much free time in the holiday and they don’t know how to spend their time meaningful. So they will think that binge drinking is the best thing what can make fun. My opinion is that the holidays are too long and this leads to more free time for the pupils.

The short-term effects is depended on the amount consumed and can vary enormously from person to person. The main effect is on the brain, which can result in slurred speech, problems with coordination, loss of inhibition and insomnia.

The long-term effects of excessive alcohol consumption mainly affect the liver and the nervous system. The liver may become damaged through a condition as cirrhosis, which may lead to liver failure, liver cancer and death.

The nervous system may be damaged at many levels. Damage to the brain can lead to a reduction of intellectual function and an increased risk of anxiety.

My personal opinion is the laws should be stricter according to binge drinking. For example when a policeman see a minor or a teenager, whose state is apparent that he had drunken a large amount of alcohol. This person should be punish to pay a large penalty. My opinion is that this topic should be pick out as a central theme in schools or in youth club. By means of youth worker can help the teenagers to make them aware of the abuse of alcohol. So in the future there will be hopefully no binge drinking any more.

Addiction and Dependence: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:04 Mi 03.02.2021
Autor: chrisno

> Topic: Addiction and Dependence
>  Situation:
> You work for the Indiana State Police and you have been
> invited by WIBC Radio to talk about the current situation
> of alcohol consumption among young people
> Start the interview by introducing yourself and your work
> In a first step, talk about current drinking habits in
> Indiana
> Explain why people drink so much alcohol during the
> holidays. Who or what is to be blamed?
> Talk about the short and long term effects of drinking. Who
> is at risk?
>  Present your personal attitude towards binge drinking and
> drinking in general. What measures should be taken to make
> people drink more responsibility?

>  Hello ladies and gentleman,

Mit so einer Begrüßung geht man auf Distanz zu den Hörern.

Hi folks,

(in Indiana auch "Hi Hoosiers")

> My name is Christian and Im

wenigstens I'm aber warum nicht I am

> working for

> Indiana State
> Police.

I have to watch if people observe

> the

drug laws.

> Nowadays the situation in
> Indiana it is very worrying because more students start to
> celebrate together on Wednesday,

regelmäßig am Mittwoch?

> before they meet their
> parents on the weekends.

Indiana ist bis auf Indianapolis sehr ländlich. Da gibt es ziemlich viele Studenten, die nicht am Wochenende nach Hause fahren. Daher ist mir diese Äußerung zu pauschal.

> The night before Thanksgiving is
> the one of the biggest party nights of the year. The
> problem on this party evening is that


> parents are
> drinking alcohol

zu pauschal

beside their kiddies and they start

> automatically to drink.

Das sooltest du ändern. Kiddies verniedlicht, warum?
automatically: wieso?
Hier ist doch ganz entscheidend, wie sich die Eltern verhalten:
Sie können mäßigend ader animierend wirken

> These leads oder lead to binge
> drinking,

Da würde ich eher die Parties in der Universität, da lebt ja die Mehrheit in Sutdentenwohnheimen, anführen.
OK, ich merke, mit Studenten sind ja auch Schüler gemeint ....
Aber die Schüler wiederum wohnen meistens bei ihren Eltern

> which minors drink a large amount of alcohol in a
> short space of time.

Space of time hatten wir schon...
Da solltest du noch unterscheiden zwischen above und below drinking age

> Another reason is that these pupils
> have so much free time in

their holidays and they don’t know

> how to spend

thisr time
meaningful. /useful
>So they will think that

> binge drinking is the best thing what can


> fun. My
> opinion is that

> holidays are too long and this

gives pupils to much spare time.

Hier sind wir bei Schülern ...


Das Folgende hatten wir ja schon...

> The short-term effects is depended on the amount consumed
> and can vary enormously from person to person. The main
> effect is on the brain, which can result in slurred speech,
> problems with coordination, loss of inhibition and
> insomnia.
> The long-term effects of excessive alcohol consumption
> mainly affect the liver and the nervous system. The liver
> may become damaged through a condition as cirrhosis, which
> may lead to liver failure, liver cancer and death.
> The nervous system may be damaged at many levels. Damage to
> the brain can lead to a reduction of intellectual function
> and an increased risk of anxiety.

> My personal opinion is the laws

according to binge drinking
should be stricter.

> For example: when a policeman


> a minor or a teenager,

beide sind below drinking age, oder hat sich das seit meiner Zeit geändert?

> whose state

obviously schows

> that he


> drunken a large amount of alcohol. This person should


> to pay a large penalty.

in my opinion this

> topic should be


> out as a central theme in schools or
> in youth

Youth workers can help

> teenagers to make them aware of the abuse of alcohol. So in
> the future there will be hopefully no binge drinking any
> more.

Vielleich solltest du am Anfang auch erzählen, wie du als Polizist immer wieder mit den durch zu großen Alkoholkonsum verursachten Problemen zu tun hast: Schlägereien, Unfälle, insbesondere beim Autofahren (ab 16 in Inidana? schau nach)
Ruhestörung ...

Mein Spruch ist, dass in den USA die Leute zuerst Autofahren und dann trinken lernen, mit fatalen Folgen. In Europa ist es andersherum. Allerdings ist es in den USA auf dem Land wichtig für die Jugendlichen, dass sie Autofahren dürfen.

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